Battlefield 3 Beta Performance Test > Conclusion
Battlefield 3 certainly looks like an impressive game though to exist honest between testing and the frustrating setup process for each iteration, I've non had much of a chance to play it fully. From what I was able to get together, there is nevertheless much to be done. The lack of an in-game server browser is troubling, while the inability to change any settings without being in a game and spawned is just down right foolish.
Of course, there's a beta for a reason and we have to try and care for information technology as such. The nighttime subsequently the beta went alive our editor Matthew DeCarlo organized a Friday Night Fragfest (we host such an event every Friday night), so I felt it was best to ask him virtually his impressions of the game.

Matt felt the game'southward graphics were great -- especially if the final version is going to be even amend -- and that the audio was fantastic. However the gameplay could just exist described as buggy. There were bug that caused people to glitch into things they shouldn't accept, while the hit detection is also very poor. Matt wasn't neat on the beta map either or the game fashion which required too much crawling around and he went on… The menu organisation is best described as a savage joke and he found the chat box oddly placed at the summit and somewhat to the correct of the screen making the chat UI feel amateurish.
In a nutshell, initial impressions on gameplay are not bully simply this is a very limited beta, so we will leave it at that. Notwithstanding information technology's scary to retrieve how much work DICE has nonetheless to get done in less than a month for Battlefield 3 to succeed.
As for my impressions on how well the game performs, BF3 certainly looks great when using the high quality settings but I'm not sure the visuals justify ~50fps out of the GeForce GTX 580 at 1920x1200 and 45fps from the Radeon HD 6970. The ultra settings are non fully developed so I won't comment on them.

For a game that was seen utilizing 6 threads quite efficiently, we were pleased to come across that the dual-core Phenom 2 X2 was just 20% slower than a similar configured quad-core processor.
It'southward been nice to see AMD and Nvidia competing so aggressively to deliver improved support and compatibility for Battlefield 3. Testing revealed that both Crossfire and SLI worked well, though every now and and so flickering glitches were noticed when using either applied science. A large number of gamers are reporting flickering issues with single GPU configurations as well, so this is another upshot that will needed to be addressed before the game is released.
The Battlefield 3 beta has somewhat disappointed as we were hoping to encounter a more polished game simply a calendar month away from release. That said nosotros'll reserve terminal judgment until then and expect a detailed performance analysis once Battlefield three is officially released.
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